Sid DefinitionDefine Oracle Sid VistaAccessing ODBC Databases from Windows with Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC DG4. ODBCAccessing ODBC Databases from Windows with Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC DG4. ODBCThe Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC DG4. ODBC allows you to build heterogeneous solutions that transparently integrate ODBC databases with Oracle. DG4. ODBC for Microsoft Windows enables Oracle client applications to access non Oracle data in databases for which an MS Windows ODBC driver is available. The data remains in its native store, but to the application appears to be stored in a single, local Oracle database. This tutorial shows how to use an Easysoft ODBC driver to connect Oracle DG4. ODBC on Windows 2. XP, 2. 00. 3, Vista, 7, 8 to heterogeneous data such as Inter. The RID uniquely identifies a security principal relative to the local or domain security authority that issued the SID. ASP to Oracle. The next pages enable you to further define your. ORACLESID environment. If you are creating an Oracle database for. Oracle12cInstall02.png' alt='Set Oracle Sid Windows' title='Set Oracle Sid Windows' />Define Oracle Sid VistaWhat is SQLPlus and where does it come from SQLlus is a command line SQL and PLSQL language interface and reporting tool that ships with the Oracle Database. Oracle Concepts The Instance and the. Its used to define a collection. Starting Oracle Server The division between the instance and the database can be seen. And it seems that i need to define environment variable ORACLESID TZ set to AsiaJapan Environment variable ORACLESID not defined. Please define it. Determine Oracle Sid' title='Determine Oracle Sid' />Base and Firebird databases, RMS data, and local or remote C ISAMD ISAM files. Introduction. DG4. ODBC for Windows interacts with Heterogeneous Services an integrated Oracle database component to provide transparent connectivity between Oracle and non Oracle systems. DG4. ODBC uses an Windows ODBC driver to access the non Oracle system. DG4. ODBC for Windows is in the Oracle 1. Oracle 1. 2c distributions. DG4. ODBC for Windows is also available from the Oracle Technology OTN Software Downloads Page. Starting from this page, choose the Oracle database version you want. Then in the subsequent page, use the See All link to display the gateways zip file for Windows. DG4. ODBC for Windows supports Oracle 1. Oracle 1. 1g and Oracle 1. This document describes how to use an ODBC driver to access a non Oracle system from Oracle through DG4. ODBC for Windows. The document assumes that the Oracle database server is configured and the DG4. ODBC for Windows components are already installed on a Windows machine. To connect Oracle to a non Oracle system through DG4. Microwave Measurements Ebook. ODBC for Windows Install and configure the ODBC driver on the machine where DG4. ODBC for Windows is installed. Configure Oracle. Configure the gateway init file init Configure Oracle Net for the gateway listener. Configure the Oracle database for gateway access tnsnames. Create a database link. Throughout this tutorial, replace ORACLEHOME with the path of your Oracle home directory. For example, c appsAdministratorproduct1. Install, Configure and Test the Windows ODBC Driver. On Windows, Oracle uses the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager to access the ODBC driver. All Easysofts Windows ODBC drivers are compatible with the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager. Essentially, we are linking DG4. ODBC for Windows to the ODBC Driver Manager, and the Driver Manager is then responsible for ODBC access. The relevant components are SQLlus Oracle Client DG4. ODBC instance Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager ODBC driver Database. You need to Install the ODBC driver on the machine where DG4. ODBC for Windows is installed. In the Windows ODBC Administrator, add a System ODBC data source that connects to the target database. Test the data source. After you have done this to ensure that the ODBC connection is working, Oracle can be configured to use the connection. To access Firebird from Oracle, we used our Firebird ODBC driver to set up the prerequisite ODBC connection. These instructions show you how to install the driver and create and test a System ODBC data source. Although the instructions are based on the Firebird ODBC driver, the process is the same for any Windows ODBC driver from Easysoft. Download the Firebird ODBC driver for Windows platforms. Registration required. Install and license the Firebird ODBC driver on the machine where DG4. 1997 Ski Doo Grand Touring Manual. ODBC is installed. For installation instructions, see the Firebird ODBC driver Users Guide. In the Windows ODBC Administrator, create a System ODBC data source that connects to the Firebird database you want to access from Oracle. Test your System ODBC data source. In the drivers ODBC DSN Setup dialog box, click Test. Oracle Configuration. To configure DG4. ODBC for Windows, you need to edit three files and restart the Oracle Listener. The files are The gateway init filetnsnames. The gateway init file references the System ODBC data source that you added in the ODBC Administrator. Entries that you create in tnsnames. Care needs to be taken when configuring these files, as an incorrect entry in any of them can lead to connection failure. Create a Gateway Init File. On the Oracle server, log in using an account that belongs to the Administrators group. Make a copy of the template gateway init file, initdg. The template file is stored in the ORACLEHOMEhsadmin folder. Every instance using DG4. ODBC for Windows needs a separate init For this tutorial, we copied the template init file, initdg. The init file references the System ODBC data source for the target database. For example. This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are. Database Gateway for ODBC. HS init parameters. HSFDSCONNECTINFO mysystemodbcdsn. HSFDSTRACELEVEL DEBUG. HSFDSSUPPORTSTATISTICSFALSE. Environment variables required for the non Oracle system. Where Parameter. Description. HSFDSCONNECTINFOThe name of the system ODBC data source that you added in the Windows ODBC Administrator. Note that as DG4. ODBC for Windows uses the SQLDriver. Connect ODBC API, you can actually put any valid ODBC connection string here. HSFDSTRACELEVEL. Specifies the level of tracing. You should generally leave this commented out, as tracing can degrade performance. However, if you are having problems, HSFDSTRACELEVEL may be set. HSFDSTRACELEVEL Debug. This setting generates a log file for each SQLlus connection. Gateway log files are stored in the ORACLEHOMEhstrace folder. For example, ORACLEHOMEhstraceFBagt1. HSFDSSUPPORTSTATISTICS. If you want to use multiple active statements and the ODBC driver supports this feature which, for example, the Firebird ODBC driver does, leave HSFDSSUPPORTSTATISTICS commented out. HSFDSSUPPORTSTATISTICS FALSE. If you do not want to use multiple active statements or the ODBC driver does not support this feature, un comment the HSFDSSUPPORTSTATISTICS setting by deleting the character from the start of the line. Edit listener. ora. The Oracle Listener listens for incoming requests from the Oracle database. For the Oracle Listener to listen for DG4. ODBC, information about DG4. ODBC must be added to the Oracle Listener configuration file, ORACLEHOMEnetworkadminlistener. You need to Create a SIDNAME for DG4. ODBC for Windows. Specify the executable that the listener should start in response to DG4. ODBC for Windows connection requests. For example. SIDLISTLISTENER. SIDLIST. SIDDESC. SIDNAMEfb. ORACLEHOMEc appAdministratorproduct1. PROGRAMdg. 4odbc. Where Variable. Value. SIDNAMEThe name of the gateway init file without the init prefix or ora extension. For example, we named the init file initfb, and so used fb as the SIDNAME. ORACLEHOMEThe location of your Oracle home directory. PROGRAM. This is the executable name of the Windows Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC. Save the file when you have entered this information. Edit tnsnames. ora. The final Oracle file to edit is ORACLEHOMEnetworkadmintnsnames. Acronis True Image 2009 Iso. You need to add a connect descriptor for the gateway. The connect descriptor identifies the Oracle server to attach to and the SIDNAME to use. For example. DESCRIPTION. ADDRESSPROTOCOLTCPHOSToraclehostPORT1. CONNECTDATA SIDfb. Oracle Workflow Developers Guide. This chapter tells you how to use Oracle Workflow Builder to define a workflow process definition. This chapter covers the following topics Overview of Oracle Workflow Builder Oracle Workflow Builder is a graphical tool for creating, viewing, and modifying workflow process definitions. It contains a Navigator window that you use to define the activities and components of your business process. You then assemble the activities in a process window to create a process diagram. See Creating Process Definitions in Oracle Workflow Builder. Note A workflow process definition can also be stored as a flat file, which can be opened and edited in a text editor so that the process definition can be spoken by a screen reader for greater user accessibility. Oracle Workflow Builder Navigator Window and Process Window. Note If you maximize the Navigator window or any process window in Oracle Workflow Builder, you will not be able to access the menu from your keyboard using the Alt key. The Navigator Tree Structure. The Navigator window displays a navigator tree hierarchy for each data store that you open or load into Oracle Workflow Builder. A data store primary branch is a database connection or flat file that holds your workflow process definition. Within each data store there is at least one item type heading secondary branch that represents the grouping of a particular set of processes and its component objects. The following tertiary branches appear beneath each item type branch Attributes lists the attributes for the current item type. Item type attributes describe features of an item type. For example, if an item type is a purchase order requisition, then an item type attribute can be the requisition amount or the requisition ID. See Item Type Attributes. Processes lists the process activities or workflow process definitions for the current item type. See Process Window and Activities. Notifications lists the notification activities associated with the current item type. A notification activity sends a message to a user or role. The message may prompt for a response or may simply provide information. See Activities. Functions lists the function activities associated with the current item type. A function activity represents a PLSQL stored procedure that the Workflow Engine executes automatically. A function activity can also have activity attributes associated with it. See Activities. Events lists the event activities associated with the current item type. An event activity represents a business event that the process receives, raises, or sends. See Activities. Messages lists the messages that a notification activity associated with the current item type can send to a user or role. A message can have message attributes associated with it. See Messages. Lookup Types lists the lookup types associated with the current item type. A lookup type has one or more values called lookup codes associated with it. A lookup type is a list of values that can be referenced by a message, or by a notification, function, or process as its possible result type. See Lookup Types. Note Each data store also contains a Directory Service branch. The Directory Service branch lists all the directory service roles that you load from your Oracle Workflow database. See Roles. If the data store is a database connection and the database contains other item types that you have not loaded into Oracle Workflow Builder, a branch called Hidden Item Types appears. When you double click on Hidden Item Types, you get a Show Item Types window that lets you load other item types into Oracle Workflow Builder. Viewing the Navigator Tree. The navigator tree is organized much like the hierarchy of a file system, where you can expand branches that begin with a plus sign to further sub branches until you find your component of interest. Sub branches appear indented below the branches from which they are expanded. Branches that are expanded are preceded by a minus sign. You can expand no further when a branch displays neither a plus nor minus sign. You can use either your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard to expand or collapse the navigator tree. The Navigator window also contains a toolbar that you can use to perform actions within the Navigator window. See Navigator Toolbar. Navigator Window. To Find an Object in the Navigator Tree. Choose Find. from the Edit menu to display a Search window that lets you specify search criteria to find an object in the navigator tree. Search Window. Enter the text to search for in the Search Text field. The search is case insensitive and looks for the text pattern that you specify in the field that you specify. Specify to search for this text in the objects Display Name or Internal Name. Specify the object type to restrict this search to or check All Objects to search for the text within the property pages of all objects. Choose Search. You can choose Find Again from the Edit menu to repeat the search using the search criteria previously defined in the Search window. Creating Process Definitions in Oracle Workflow Builder. Before using Oracle Workflow Builder, you should plan what your process needs to accomplish. In particular, determine what activities need to occur, the order of the activities, what results dictate the different branches of the process, who needs to be informed and what they need to know. Oracle Workflow provides several demonstration workflow examples. See Sample Workflow Processes. There are several ways you can go about creating a workflow process definition Top Down Design If you prefer to approach your design from a high level, you can first sketch out the process diagram with activities, then go back later to create the supporting objects for each activity. See To Create a Process Definition from Top Down. Bottom Up Design If you prefer to take a more programmatic approach to your design, you can first define each of the supporting objects of your process before attempting to create a higher level process diagram. See To Create a Process Definition From Bottom Up. Quick Start Wizard. The Quick Start Wizard helps you build a process definition from scratch using a process definition template. The Quick Start Wizard creates a new item type for your process, prompting you for the minimum required information. It then creates an outline process diagram from which you can flesh out with more activities. Once the Quick Start Wizard sets up the template, you can use either the top down or bottom up approach to complete the design. See To Use the Quick Start Wizard. Versioning and Dates of Effectivity. Oracle Workflow Builder assigns a version number to each new activity that you create. It also updates the version number whenever you make changes to an existing activity. It saves the new version of the activity to the database without overwriting older versions of the activity. In Oracle Workflow, activities also have dates of effectivity so that at any point in time, only one version of the activity is in effect. If a process is running, Oracle Workflow uses the version of the activity that was in effect when the process was initiated. It does not switch versions of the activity mid way through the process. Note that a process itself is an activity, so a process definition always remains constant until the process instance completes.

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