Use this simple script to cut your credit card interest rate today. After you notify your creditcard issuer, you wont be able to use the card to make new purchases. You will have five years to pay off your account balance at the. RHB-cc3.png' alt='Game Card Interest Rate' title='Game Card Interest Rate' />NFL Extra Points. Game Card Interest Rate' title='Game Card Interest Rate' />When you use your NFL Extra Points credit card to purchase game tickets from any participating NFL team ticket office, you will be eligible for a 0 Promotional APR. Advanced Email Extractor Pro Registration Cracked Feet. In this article I outline what drove the federal funds rate since WWII and what will drive it, likely through 2050. In short, the broad inverted V shape of the. If you pay in full every month, your credit card interest rate doesnt matter you wont pay interest. If you carry a balance, though, it matters a lot.