Disable browser back button functionality using Java. Script in asp. net. ASP. NET,C. NET,VB. NET,JQuery,Java. Script,Gridview. Introduction. Here I will explain how to disable browser back button functionality using Java. Javascript Disable Right Click Pdf' title='Javascript Disable Right Click Pdf' />Click on Convert, then enter your Adobe ID login credentials. You must be signed into Adobe to convert files to PDF and upload them to Adobes server. Security. Lets face it. Software has holes. And hackers love to exploit them. New vulnerabilities appear almost daily. If you have software we all do you need to. Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications. JQuery Right Click Menu jQuery Custom Right Click Context Menu Disable right click on the page using JQuery. Does Piwik support clickpath or clickstream analytics Are Piwik reports in real time How is a unique visitor counted in Piwik How is a visit defined in PiwikJavascript Disable Right Click PdfScript in asp. Description. One day I got requirement like disable browser back button to prevent users going back to previous page using back button of the browser. I search many sites for proper code to prevent users navigating back to previous page but there is no use because some of them work in IE but not in Mozilla and some of them will work in Mozilla but not in IE. Here this Java. Script functionality will work in all browsers and prevent users navigating back to previous page by hitting on browser back button check below piece of Java. Script codelt scripttypetextjavascriptlanguagejavascript function Disable. Back. Button window. Disable. Back. Button window. Disable. Back. Button window. We need to place above script in header section of a page wherever we need to prevent users navigate back to another page by using browser back button. I will explain our requirement with an example I have two pages Defaul. Default. 2. aspx now. I will redirect from Default. Defaul. 2. aspx page. After come from Defaul. Default. 2. aspx if I try to navigate back to Default. Defaul. 2. aspx then I want prevent user navigate back to previous page Defaul. To achieve this functionality place above Java. Script function in header section of required page. After add our Java. Script functionality to our page that code will be like thislt htmlxmlnshttp www. Disable Browser Back buttonslt title lt scripttypetextjavascriptlanguagejavascript function Disable. Back. Button window. Disable. Back. Button window. Disable. Back. Button window. First Page lt div lt div lt asp Buttonidbtn. FirstrunatserverTextGo to First PagePost. Back. UrlDefault. Button. IDbtn. SecondrunatserverTextGo to Second PagePost. Back. UrlDefault. Button. IDbtn. ThreerunatserverTextGo to Third PagePost. Back. UrlDefault. Install Php Ldap Windows. Demo. We can also achieve this by disabling browser caching in code behind write the following lines of code in PageInit event or PageLoad event and dont forgot to add namespace using System. Web because Http. Cacheability related to that namespace. PageInitobject sender, Event. Args eResponse. Cache. Set. CacheabilityHttp. Cacheability. No. Cache Response. Cache. Set. ExpiresDate. Time. Now. Add. Seconds 1 Response. Cache. Set. No. Store We need to place this code in a page wherever we need to disable browser back button. If we use above caching method to disable browser back button that will display webpage expired message like this   Download sample code attached.

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